The one that's easy to use
Q: Will Power Bible work with Windows 10 and 11?
A: Yes, Power Bible will work on all full versions of Windows from Windows 95 up through Windows 11 (including Windows 8 and 8.1).
Q: My unlock code for the Power Bible does not work. Why?
A: The most common reason an unlock code will not work is the way your name is entered.
1.) You must enter your name on the top line exactly as we have it. Generally, we use First name (capitalized), then one space, and then your last name (capitalized).
ex. Joe Smith
2.) Next (in the middle) select the radio button next to the version you are unlocking.
3.) Then, enter your 8 or 9 digit code in the bottom line. Enter it all together (no spaces). Be sure not to enter a space before or after the code.
If this does not help, email us (via the Contact page).
Q: Do you have a downloadable version of Power Bible?
A: Look on our home page for the big red arrow. This will link you to the page to order the download of Power Bible. Please read the notes about how it works as you order it.
Q: I ordered and paid for the download of the Power Bible. What do I do now?
A: Once you purchase the download, you will receive two emails from the Online Store. One is a receipt. The other will have the subject “Files ready to download.” In the body of the email, there will be two links to download. One is the windowscdinstaller file. The other is the license key. After you download those two files, open the license key and copy it. Then, open the installer file — which will ask you for your email and the license key. Click install. The program will run a bit and then say “all done.” Click on exit. Most computers put the icon right on the desktop (red/yellow icon saying “Biblecd”). If the icon is not there, go to your hard drive, open that, find the folder Program Files or Program Files x86, open that, look for a folder called biblecd, open that, look for that red/yellow icon and either drag to desktop or pin to taskbar and open there.
Q: Do you have a Power Bible app that will run on my iphone or my Android smart phone?
A: Sorry, there is no app for a phone.
Q: Does Power Bible work on an iPad?
A: To the best of our knowledge PowerBible does not run on an iPad… but please let us know if you find a work around.
Q: You list discount prices for nonprofit distribution for CDs. We are not a registered nonprofit entity. Do we still qualify for discount prices?
A: If you are purchasing the Power Bible CD to give away (i.e., you do not intend to resell them at a profit), you qualify for the discount prices.
Q: May we purchase multiple copies of the download at discounted prices?
A: We are not offering this at this time.
Q: Why do flash drives cost more than a CD?
A: We get CDs made by the 1000s (no direct labor cost to us). Flash drives are copied by our staff, one at a time, in our office.
Q: Will the Power Bible run on Linux?
A: This quote comes from one of our customers: R. Reed says ” To your customers that wanna use Power Bible CD on Linux it runs fine under a program called Wine. I installed it without a glitch it actually runs faster than it does on my windows machine. God Bless and thanks for a great product at such a reasonable price.”
Q: Do you have a Mac edition of the Power Bible?
A: Power Bible is designed for Windows, however, we have many customers successfully using the Power Bible on their Mac computers. There is a Mac program called Crossover which will run Power Bible (and other Windows programs) on your Mac.
We were first informed of this by a Power Bible user who began using the Power Bible on his Mac (and have validated this report, with many other users, happily using Power Bible on their Mac computers). Crossover can be obtained at Crossover tested Power Bible and gave us gold ratings for compatibility. We have also been told that a program called VMWare will run the Power Bible.
Q: You list a NIV (New International Version) unlock as an option for $15. Why can’t I see how to order it?
A: Our license with Zondervan does not allow us to sell the NIV to certain countries (e.g., Britain). Because there is no way to program our web site to block downloads that we are cannot legally provide, you cannot order it yourself. If you would like to unlock the NIV, please email us (via the Contact page). After we determine that we can legally sell you this unlock, we will take your credit card information over the phone and send you an unlock code.